We are open for public worship in church

Please check the detailed service list below, but our normal pattern of services is:

Wednesday 12noon Said Mass (about 30 mins) – with refreshments afterwards – in church and on Facebook

Sunday 8am Said Mass – in church only

Sunday 10.30am Parish Mass – with Sunday School and refreshments afterwards – in church and on Facebook. With music sung by our choir.

Sunday 6.30m Choral Evensong and Benediction

You can see our Music List here.

You can view our forward Calendar here.

Day/Date Time Service/EventWhereService Sheet
8 Sept
Trinity 15
8.00Said MassIn Church
10.30Parish Mass In Church and on FacebookMassbook here
18.30Evensong and BenedictionIn Church
9 Sept
9.00Morning PrayerIn Church
10 Sept
7.30Said MassSt Margaret the Queen, SW2 3BH
9.00Morning PrayerIn Church
11 Sept
9.00Morning PrayerIn Church
9.20Toddler ChurchIn Church
12.00Said MassIn Church
15 Sept
Trinity 16
8.00Said MassIn Church
10.30Parish MassIn Church and on Facebook
18.30Evensong and BenedictionIn Church

Monthly Events Calendar

View Monthly Events Calendar

Picture of camera streaming a service

To watch live and archive service videos go to our Facebook page

To watch special recorded service videos go to our Youtube Channel.