Please find below our music list.

Services will be held in church or you can watch online live or later on. Please see our Worship page for details.

DateTimeMusicHymn Board
Sunday 2nd June
Corpus Christi
10.30amParish Mass
Kyrie – Glastonbury | Gloria – Haugen
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei – Inwood
Author of Life Divine – Ceclia McDowall
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 116
6.30pmChoral Evensong and Benediction (Trinity 1)
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Tones v11.1/VI.4 – Tallis – arr. Sarah MacDonald
Author of Life Divine – Ceclia McDowall
Tantum ergo – Fauré
Responses: Ayleward
Office Hymn 268 pt 1
Psalm 37 vv 1-17
Hymns: 308, 300
Sunday 9th June
Trinity 2
10.30amParish Mass
Kyrie – Glastonbury | Gloria – Haugen
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Four Voices – Byrd
Teach me, O Lord – Byrd
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 130
NO Choral Evensong and Benediction
Sunday 16th June
Trinity 3
10.30amParish Mass
Kyrie – Graham | Gloria Jones
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei: Communion Service in E – Darke
Cantate Domino – Pitoni
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 92
NO Choral Evensong and Benediction at St Peters
Special 3pm Choral Evensong at Southwark Cathedral
including St Peter’s Youth and Adult Choirs
Sunday 23rd June
Trinity 4
10.30amParish Mass
Kyrie – Graham | Gloria Jones
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei: Collegium Regale – Howells
A Gaelic Blessing – Rutter
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 107
6.30pmChoral Evensong and Benediction
[St John the Baptist]

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D – Brewer
This is the record of John – Gibbons
Tantum ergo – Victoria
Responses: Byrd
Office Hymn: 168
Psalm 71
Hymns: 302, 230(ii)
Sunday 30th June
St Peter and St Paul – Patronal Festival
10.30amParish Mass with Youth Choir
Kyrie – Glastonbury | Gloria How
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei: Communion Service in C – Ireland
The Lord bless you and keep you – Rutter
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 125
6.30pmChoral Evensong and Benediction
 – St Peter and St Paul

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E – Murrill
Janitor Caeli – Ortiz
Tantum ergo – Vierne
Responses: Byrd
Office Hymn: 214 t.i
Psalm 124, 138
Hymns: 171 (omit v5),
216 (t.433)
Sunday 7th July
Dedication Festival
10.30amParish Mass
Kyrie – Glastonbury | Gloria – Haugen
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei:
Stanford in Bb & C
Ave verum – Mozart
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 84
4pmChoir Concert with Youth and Adult Choirs
Free entry
Sunday 14th July
Trinity 7
10.30amParish Mass with Youth Choir
Kyrie – Glastonbury | Gloria – Haugen
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei: Sumsion in F
Be thou my vision – Chilcott
Hymns – See sheet
Psalm 85
6.30pmChoral Evensong and Benediction
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F – Ireland
O thou the central orb – Wood
Tantum ergo – Laloux
Office Hymn:150 t.i
Psalm 66
Hymns: 308, 333