St Peter’s is a parish church serving the local community in Streatham and West Norwood. A modern anglo-catholic parish in the Diocese of Southwark and within the Church of England.St Peter’s is a lively, diverse church right at the centre of our neighbourhood, between Streatham Hill, Tulse Hill, and West Norwood. Our main Sunday worship is Parish Mass at 10.30am, with a quiet reflective 8.00am mass, and Choral Evensong and Benediction, with beautiful music, every Sunday at 6.30pm, as well as worship through the week.

Jesus Christ is at the heart of our worship, teaching and life together. Following his example, we pride ourselves on being welcoming, open and inclusive – you are welcome at St Peter’s whatever your faith, background or story. We believe our faith has to be lived out in action, and are always looking for new ways to serve our community.

Sunday Masses, Choral Evensong & Benediction
The principal weekly service, at 10.30am on Sunday, is well attended and welcoming. St Peter’s combines a traditional formality with the importance of welcoming visitors, newcomers, and people of all ages and backgrounds. There are refreshments after Parish Mass with an opportunity for a chat.
Evensong is sung by the choir at 6.30pm on Sundays followed by Benediction (except in August whilst the choir is on holiday) , Lasting 50 minutes this is an excellent service for contemplation and reflection.

The church building is an important part of South London’s heritage, being a Grade II* listed building. It is a magnificent and imposing structure towering over Leigham Court Road. Inside, many are struck by the calm away from the busy road, the feeling of reverence and the presence of God in the striking interior of the church.
You can read more on our History page
At the heart of the community
The church works at the heart of the local communities of Streatham and West Norwood. There is a ministry of visits for the housebound and those that are sick. The church and its rooms play host to numerous church and non-church groups during the week. A church magazine is produced five times a year and can be read on-line on this website and copies are available in the church.
The congregation pray for the local community every Sunday and through a cycle of prayer pray for the residents of each street in the Parish.
Local schools include visits to the church as part of the curriculum activity.

Weekday Services
Mass is celebrated during the week – days and times for this week can be seen on our Worship page.
Website and Communication
We hope you enjoy browsing through this website. If you have any questions or comments we would be pleased to hear them.
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