Organ Restoration Works

Phased works are being undertaken by:

The Duplex Pipe Organ and Blower Company and their Director James Richardson-Jones.

Works to the Solo Division – 2015

The solo division pipework was removed and overhauled in 2015 leading to dramatic improvement in the quality and evenness of tone from the ranks of pipes, some of which had ceased to operate because of failure of the pneumatic stop action.

The stops of the Solo Division are:

  • Tuba 8ft (unenclosed)
  • Viol d’Orchestre 8ft
  • Orchestral Oboe 8ft
  • Rohr Gedeckt 8ft
  • Harmonic Flute 4ft

Pipes enclosed apart from Tuba. Controlled from balanced swell pedal.

Works to the Choir Division 2016

In July 2016, the pipes of the Choir Division were returned to the organ after restoration of the upperboards and rack boards.  All of the pipe work has been cleaned, regulated and repairs made where needed.

You can see below some photographs of the completed work.

The stops of the Choir Division are:

  • Open Diapason 8ft
  • Dulciana 8ft
  • Gedeckt 8ft
  • Genshorn 4ft
  • Suabe Flute 4ft
  • Flautina 2ft

Enclosed pipes with kick swell pedal:

  • Clarinet 8ft
  • Vox Humana 8ft
Choir Division Stops

Winding Works 2017

In November 2017, the Duplex Pipe Organ and Blower Company, under the direction of James Richardson-Jones, undertook the re-bulding of a major wind reservoir.  The new tops to the wind reservoir were manufactured offsite in the Duplex workshop and then transported to the church for fitting.  The base of the original large wind reservoir was retained, and the new tops added with mechanisms to provide two more easily maintained reservoirs than the original large one.

Swell Division Works – 2017

In 2017, the reed pipes of the swell division were overhauled. All of the pipe work was cleaned, regulated and repairs made where needed.

The result is wonderfully tiered and smooth reed sound from the swell stops.

The stops of the Swell Division are:

  • Bourdon 16ft
  • Open Diapason 8ft
  • Salicional 8ft
  • Voix Céleste 8ft
  • Stopped Diapason 8ft
  • Rohr Flute 4ft
  • Principal 4ft
  • Twelfth 22/3
  • Fifteenth 2ft
  • Mixture 2ranks
  • Double Trumpet 16ft
  • Cornopean 8ft
  • Oboe 8ft
  • Clarion 4ft
  • Tremulant

2021-2023 Works to Great, Choir and Great Stop/Slider Actions

Organ – South Case from Lady Chapel

As part of our phased approach, important works were undertaken in 2021 to 2023 to:

  • Repair the South Case. The supporting framework had become unsafe. The South case pipe work was overhauled and repainted in silver (see picture).
  • During this work an opportunity was afforded for overhaul of the racks, sliders and pipe work of much of the Great Organ which sit behind the South Case
  • Choir Diapason Bass Chest and Pipes were overhauled.
  • The Great slider action and draw stops were converted to electrical action in line with the modifications applied to the other divisions of the organ
2021: James Richardson-Jones works on the Great Sliders behind the South Case
Pipes of the South Case are stored on the Choir Vestry floor during works before restoration and painting
The Great slides and pipework are removed for overhaul behind the South Case
2021 The South Case pipes are restored and the case cleaned and polished